• 22 October 2024, 21:27 PM

Author Archives: DSM Group

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The Crucial Role of ESG in Selecting Data Center and Cloud Solution Providers

In an era where sustainability and corporate responsibility are at the forefront of business considerations, the technology sector is not exempt. Companies worldwide are increasingly recognising the importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors in their decision-making processes. In the realm of data centre and cloud solutions, choosing a supplier with a robust ESG profile has become more than just a trend; it’s a strategic imperative. This blog post explores the significance of opting for ESG-rich suppliers in the context of data centre and cloud solutions.

Environmental Considerations:

  1. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources:
    • ESG-conscious data centre and cloud solution providers prioritise energy efficiency in their operations. They leverage advanced technologies and design principles to maximise performance while minimising energy consumption.
    • Choosing a supplier that invests in renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, contributes to the reduction of carbon footprints associated with data centre operations.
  2. Resource Optimisation and Circular Economy:
    • ESG-rich suppliers emphasise resource optimisation and waste reduction. Adopting a circular economy approach involves recycling and reusing materials, minimising electronic waste, and extending the lifespan of hardware components.

Social Responsibility:

  1. Employee Well-being and Diversity:
    • Companies committed to ESG values prioritise the well-being of their employees and foster diversity and inclusion. A diverse workforce is indicative of a forward-thinking and socially responsible organisation.
    • Assessing a supplier’s commitment to fair labour practices, employee satisfaction, and diversity can provide insights into their overall ESG performance.
  2. Community Engagement:
    • ESG-focused providers actively engage with the communities in which they operate. This can include supporting local initiatives, contributing to educational programmes, and investing in community development projects.
    • By choosing a supplier with strong ties to the community, businesses can align their values with those of their technology partners.


  1. Transparency and Accountability:
    • Governance plays a pivotal role in ESG considerations. Transparent business practices, adherence to ethical standards, and accountability are critical aspects of a supplier’s governance framework.
    • Companies should prioritise suppliers that are transparent about their ESG policies, performance metrics, and long-term sustainability goals.
  2. Data Security and Privacy Compliance:
    • ESG extends to governance in terms of data security and privacy. Choosing a supplier with robust data protection measures not only ensures compliance with regulations but also reflects a commitment to ethical and responsible business practices.

In the dynamic landscape of data centre and cloud solutions, selecting a supplier with a strong ESG foundation is no longer an optional consideration but a strategic necessity. Beyond aligning with global sustainability goals, businesses that prioritise ESG factors in their technology partnerships are better positioned to future-proof their operations, enhance brand reputation, and contribute positively to the broader socio-environmental landscape. In the era of conscious consumerism and responsible business practices, the importance of an ESG-rich supplier cannot be overstated in shaping a sustainable and resilient digital future.

immutable and mutable backup

Offering Immutable Data Backup as Standard: A Game-Changer in Data Security by DSM Group

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, data is the lifeblood of businesses. From financial records and customer information to intellectual property and operational data, companies rely heavily on their digital assets. With the ever-increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats and the potential for accidental data loss, having a robust backup strategy is essential for any organisation.

One innovative approach to data backup that has gained traction but is still far from the industry standard is “Immutable Data Backup.” Immutable data backups offer a level of data protection that goes beyond traditional backup methods, providing an added layer of security against ransomware attacks, human errors, and data corruption. While very few companies currently offer this service due to the associated infrastructure and costs, some forward-thinking organisations are breaking new ground.

One such company is DSM Group, which has made it their mission to prioritise data security and offer immutable data backup as a standard service. Their investment in cutting-edge infrastructure, including a solar farm and a water-cooled data centre, has allowed them to provide this game-changing service to their clients without breaking the bank.

Understanding Immutable Data Backup

Before delving into the benefits of immutable data backup, it’s essential to understand what it entails. Immutable data backup refers to a backup method where once data is stored, it cannot be altered, overwritten, or deleted until a predefined retention period expires. In other words, it guarantees the immutability and integrity of your backup data, making it impervious to external threats or accidental data modifications.

The Advantages of Immutable Data Backup

  1. Ransomware Resilience: Ransomware attacks have become increasingly prevalent and sophisticated. Attackers often target backups, rendering them useless and leaving victims with no option but to pay a ransom. Immutable data backups are immune to such attacks, as the data remains unalterable, regardless of external interference.
  2. Data Integrity: In a world where data integrity is paramount, immutable backups provide assurance that your data will remain unchanged, ensuring its accuracy and reliability for compliance and auditing purposes.
  3. Protection Against Human Errors: Accidental data deletion or modification is a common cause of data loss. Immutable backups safeguard against these mistakes, guaranteeing the ability to restore your data to its original state.
  4. Historical Data Retrieval: Immutable backups preserve historical versions of data, enabling organisations to recover files or records from any point in time. This can be invaluable for investigating incidents or tracking changes over time.
  5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your critical data is secure and immutable can offer peace of mind to business owners and IT professionals, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives rather than worrying about data loss.

The Slight Space Requirement and Cost

One consideration to keep in mind when adopting immutable data backup

is that it typically requires approximately 20% more storage space compared to traditional backup methods. While this might lead to concerns about increased costs, it’s essential to emphasise that the additional storage cost is minimal when weighed against the substantial benefits of data security and protection against potential data breaches or loss.

The investment in the extra storage space for immutable backups is a proactive measure that ensures the integrity and availability of your critical data. In the grand scheme of data security, this added expense is a small price to pay for the peace of mind and resilience it offers against cyber threats and data disasters.

Overcoming the Cost and Infrastructure Challenge

The primary reason many companies have yet to adopt immutable data backup as a standard service is the perceived cost and infrastructure required. However, forward-thinking organisations like DSM Group have found innovative solutions to overcome these challenges.

By investing in renewable energy sources, such as a solar farm, and developing an efficient water-cooled data centre, DSM Group has managed to significantly reduce operational costs. These investments not only make their data centre environmentally friendly but also allow them to pass on cost savings to their clients, making immutable data backup an affordable option.

Making Immutable Data Backup Accessible to All

The move toward offering immutable data backup as a standard service is a significant step in enhancing data security for businesses of all sizes. While the infrastructure and costs may have been barriers in the past, companies like DSM Group are demonstrating that it’s possible to overcome these challenges.

In an era when data breaches and cyber threats are a constant concern, investing in immutable data backup is a proactive approach that can protect your organisation’s most valuable asset: its data. As more companies recognise the importance of this service, it may become an industry standard, ensuring that businesses are better equipped to safeguard their digital assets in an increasingly volatile digital landscape.

In conclusion, immutable data backup is a game-changer in data security, and DSM Group is leading the way by making it accessible and affordable to their clients. As businesses continue to prioritise data protection, immutable backups may soon become the gold standard for safeguarding critical digital assets. The minimal cost of additional storage space pales in comparison to the invaluable protection it provides for your data.

If you would like to know more or get a quote please call us or fill in the form below.


    Navigating the Post-COVID Workplace: Resurgence, Downsizing, and the Importance of Unity

    As organisations worldwide navigate the complexities of the post-COVID era, the workplace is undergoing a profound transformation. While there is a resurgence in workplace recovery initiatives, fuelled by a renewed emphasis on employee well-being and flexibility, some companies are downsizing due to the widespread adoption of remote and hybrid work models. Simultaneously, there is a heightened recognition of the importance of a cohesive team presence, particularly in emergency scenarios.

    The Impact of Remote Work and Downsizing:

    1. Downsizing in the Wake of Remote Work:
      • The widespread success of remote work during the pandemic has led some organisations to reevaluate their physical office spaces. In a bid to cut costs and adapt to evolving work preferences, companies are downsizing office footprints, embracing fully remote models, or adopting hybrid work arrangements.
    2. Shifts in Company Culture:
      • The shift to remote and hybrid work has necessitated a reevaluation of company culture. Organisations are exploring innovative ways to foster a sense of belonging and collaboration among team members who may be physically dispersed.
    3. Challenges of Downsizing:
      • While downsizing may bring financial benefits, it also poses challenges such as maintaining team cohesion, preserving corporate culture, and ensuring effective communication in virtual environments.

    The Role of Physical Presence in Emergency Scenarios:

    1. Emergency Preparedness and Unity:
      • One of the lessons learned from the pandemic is the importance of team unity in emergency scenarios. While remote work has proven its viability, certain situations may require a collective, on-site response. Organisations are recognising the need to strike a balance between remote flexibility and the importance of having a team physically present when urgent situations arise.
    2. Hybrid Models for Emergency Response:
      • Some companies are adopting hybrid models that combine remote flexibility with periodic in-person gatherings to enhance team cohesion. This approach ensures that teams are well-prepared to respond effectively to emergencies, leveraging the benefits of both remote and in-person collaboration.


    The post-COVID workplace landscape is complex, with organisations simultaneously embracing remote work, downsizing physical office spaces, and recognising the importance of a united team presence in emergency scenarios. Striking the right balance between flexibility and cohesion is key to navigating these challenges successfully. As workplace recovery initiatives evolve, companies must remain agile, adapting their strategies to the dynamic needs of the workforce and the demands of an ever-changing business environment.


    Cloud and Cybersecurity Insights: Trends & Best Practices

    Building a cybersecurity strategy has never been more challenging – the rapidly evolving threat landscape,

    combined with the acceleration of digital transformation and a workforce distributed beyond traditional office networks to the home have radically altered how IT teams defend their network, data, users and applications.

    The astonishing value of the cyber crime industry and move towards cyber crime as-a-service via online dark web marketplaces and commoditisation of malware has not just seen more advanced and complex threats, but an increasingly lower barrier for entry. Anyone can now gain access to the tools needed to deliver ransomware and take payments via anonymous cryptocurrency, while tactics have evolved to include PR and extortion threats that have further muddied the waters of how organisations can respond – further ramping up the potential financial returns.

    The last two years have seen the added complexity of an accelerated shift in the infrastructure and strategy of many organisations, as distributed workforces and working from home became the default. This necessitated migration to the cloud at unprecedented speed and digital transformation that helped keep businesses going, but created new risks and opportunities for threats to exploit.

    As we move into 2022, we’ve commissioned a survey across hundreds of CTO, CIOs, CISOs and industry leaders to get their perspective of this changing threat landscape, how much cloud has become the core of today’s network, and the priorities from the boardroom to the SOC in defending against the next threat.

    To view the full report and results, download your complimentary copy below.

    Veeam V11 Immutable

    V11: Immutable primary backup storage

    Ransomware and malicious acts within our IT environments are rampant across the world, and the last line of defence is going to be your backups.

    In Veeam Backup & Replication v10 the ability to store your Veeam backups using the Object Lock API was introduced. This would mean that you would have a secondary copy of your backup data most likely offsite and in an immutable state, which means it can’t be modified and is protected against insider malicious activity.

    Fast forward to the release of Veeam Backup & Replication v11, and a way of storing data, agnostic to hardware in your primary location leveraging Linux with the NEW Hardened Linux Repository has been enabled.

    Benefits of immutable storage backup

    By definition, immutability is a solution that prevents data deletion or modification from the storage.

    Knowing that data is critical to all businesses—leveraging an immutable copy of your backup data ensures that there is an untouched version of that source data that is always recoverable and safe from any failure scenario.

    Veeam Backup & Replication v11 enables you to store your short-term retention backups locally onsite for fast recovery with the protection of immutability. In addition, you can now tier those backups into an immutable object storage offering offsite, giving you additional protection against unforeseen malicious activity or accidental deletion.

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    Immutable backup storage can help in the following cases:

    • Production data is corrupted or compromised
    • Accidental deletion of production data
    • Insider malicious activity, administrators modifying backup job retention or deleting restore points.

    What is the Hardened Linux Repository?

    The Hardened Linux Repository enables primary backups to be immutable, not by packaging a storage appliance together, but by offering the ability to achieve local immutable backup storage by using generic compute and storage with a supported Linux x64 distribution that provides this functionality.

    Immutability protects your data from loss because of malware activity or other failure scenarios mentioned above by temporarily prohibiting the deletion and modification of data.

    A storage solution that prevents deletion and modification of backups

    Now you know the purpose behind it and why we are doing this for our primary backups. But you have only seen part of the How — on the Linux server itself you do not need to set anything, Veeam will have that covered for you.

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    By default, the immutability is set to seven days for standard backups on the repository. It is very important that your job configuration reflects this so that your active backup chain is protected.

    Ransomware or outside malicious activity are well-known 24/7/365 threats. Take a lesson from history – even the great city of Troy, that resisted outside threats for centuries, was quickly destroyed from within. When you use the immutable flag even the kings of backups themselves, the backup administrators, cannot delete those backup files.

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    Single access credentials

    Protect the keys to the kingdom! It’s clear to see that a lot of this new feature is focused on the security and protection of your backup data. By focusing on access control, we are further reducing the possible attack vectors by not allowing Veeam or the backup administrator to have unbridled access to an elevated user account that was or is used initially to deploy Veeam services. These one-time use for deployment credentials are not stored by Veeam Backup & Replication.

    I hear you asking, how do we get started?

    Call us on 03333 22 11 00 or contact us using the form below:

      Credit: Michael Cade